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The Triple Performance platform

Triple Performance is born out of an observation :

The issues facing farmers today are such that we must change the way we used to help them managing change. 

First, the changes are now more systemic, with investments and high risk, secondly, the ability to change are restricted (life science knowledge, financial resources, and time). Soils must be restored, as well as biodiversity, or even the quality of what we eat. There's also the question of the attractiveness of the agricultural sector, all of which are factors that influence our food production capacity. In short, nothing less than our lives ! 

The platform is based on what farmers told us themselves :

  • They need specific and applicable information → to increase the level of confidence
  • They need to get in touch with peers and experts on each topic before embarking → trigger change

The platform has been designed following this logic: for practical information, the best is yet to allow each farmer, advisor or expert to contribute to it, in the manner of Wikipedia.

For connecting with peers, the platform allows everyone to follow every topic, in order to find and eventually get in contact with other farmers who have experience or expertise on the topic.

This approach also has the advantage of promoting bottom-up research, giving light to comments and observations made by the farmers themselves, in their own context.  

In addition, the collaborative aspect allows for the appropriation of knowledge : when someone decides to modify a page in the knowledge base, he will be much more tempted to share and disseminate that page in his own networks (Whatsapp, etc...).

Knowledge moderation is made by our teams, but also, like in Wikipedia, by a set of mechanisms that notify the right people when major changes are made, in order to adjust, if necessary, the page.

Technical side

Triple Performance is built on top of the software that runs Wikipedia (Semantic Mediawiki). Neayi is thus a contributor to mediawiki and we offer regular changes and bug fixes. Mediawiki has a whole series of mechanisms that allow users to contribute in good intelligence, thanks to 20 years of experience of Wikipedia on the subject.

We have invested heavily in the site's design, both in aesthetic terms (UI), but also in terms of usability (UX), with a complete process that includes user testing with many farmers, advisors, etc..

The relationship and discussions side is managed by a forum based on Discourse, which is today's state in terms of communities.

We have developed a number of components that complete the set and make the platform simple yet powerful.

Not a dump of PDF

The platform is made up of 3 types of pages:

  • Concepts (tools, production, bio-aggressors, varietals, labels, etc...)
  • Technical guides: they describe the implementation steps of any solutions that participates in the strategy of the “farm system”.
  • Feedback: which, in the context of a farm, the elements of the implementation of one or several technics, including costs, work time, tips and tricks, results, etc...

In the manner of Wikipedia, the articles are enriched Just like Wikipedia, articles are continuously update, and the feedback can be completed after one year or two have past. A page on a tool that can evolve to include a video, a list of suppliers, tables, returns on investment, etc.

The guides and feedbacks are found automatically at the bottom of each page based on the links that exist between each article.

In contrast to a set of PDF files, the platform Triple Performance is maintained and constantly reworked on the organization level (merge, cut, ...), in order to keep a consistent navigation and a logical article structure.

We continuously ensure that every page participates in the acquisition of knowledge for farmers and advisors, while remaining synthetic, clear, and understandable.

A common

Triple Performance is operated as a digital common, that is to say that the whole of the technology and the content are open sourced, but also that we aim for a shared governance, in good intelligence between the various stakeholders who use or contribute to the platform. Thus, the focused articles, the organization of thematic folders, the taxonomy, the organization of the forum, and everything that makes the logic of the platform are discussed openly with our partners and our users.